Monday, March 26, 2007

(Week 4) Exercise #8

RSS Feeds seem like a great idea. I don't spend much time looking at news online since NYTimes sends me their headlines in an email, but I may be spending more time reading information online now that I can organize neatly in one space.

American Libraries Direct is where I get a lot of work related information (again, in an email) but am willing to dig around now and see if there are other places that would provide feeds directly to International, National and Local Library information.

Libraries might be able to use feeds to let library customers know when their favorite author's new book arrives or give warning when materials are due. It is also a way for libraries to keep connected with each other, by simply feeding each other news of events.

I had some trouble understanding what I was doing with the creation of html for this post from my blog lines account. But I copied and pasted and my feeds appeared, so something must have gone right. However, I was not successful in adding my blog to the sjlearning bloglines account, nor am I sure that I could have done that...

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